Staying Healthy On the Road: Recipes for Truckers

Staying healthy while on the road for hours on end is a big challenge many truckers often face. When you’re constantly out driving, it can be hard to find the time to meal-prep healthy meals for yourself. Not to mention, the temptations of fast food and restaurants everywhere along the way. With all the time spent trucking, eating healthy and staying physically active can easily be brushed to the side. However, there are many quick, easy recipes you can follow, to improve your overall health.

One helpful tip when making a salad is to prepare ahead of time, but leave the dressing in a separate container to avoid sogginess. Lily has the perfect shaker for this. It has a container built in on top of the cup to put your dressing in, and the size is perfect to fit into the truck’s cup holder! We know eating healthy on the road all the time can be a huge challenge. It is best to start off small and maybe incorporate one to two healthy meals in your day rather than eating out those times. While using the Lily to-go shaker, you can easily store it in your bag for a healthy snack/meal!

 For this salad recipe, use your dressing of choice, and simply pour into the container which locks in to the top on top of the shaker. Divide the ingredients below among the shaker, layering in the following order: red onion, egg, mushroom, bacon, spinach. Twist on the top to seal your salad and refrigerate until you’re ready to go!

  • 2 cups baby spinach leaves
  • ½ cup  chopped red onion
  • ½ cup chopped mushrooms
  • 4 bacon slices chopped
  • 2  eggs ( hard-boiled, chopped)

One thing you can also use the Lily shaker for is smoothies! You can quickly blend in fruits, protein powder, yogurt, or anything you want to make a smoothie to go. You can even use the top container for extra fruit toppings to keep them dry, and avoid them getting soggy in the smoothie all day, and top them off into the smoothie when you’re ready. The recipe below is for a nutritious,strawberry banana smoothie. These are great because they have a variety of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, yet they are so quick and easy to make. Simply blend all the ingredients below into a blender, put it in the shaker, and you’re ready to go!

  • 1 frozen banana, peeled and sliced
  • 2 cups frozen strawberries, raspberries, or cherries
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup plain or vanilla yogurt
  • 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons honey or to taste

Staying Active On The Road: Tips For Truckers

Truck drivers around the world are facing potentially serious risks in harming their body. Truck driving involves so much time in a chair, that you may feel a lack of motivation to exercise, or you may not even know where to begin. Follow these tips and tricks and get ready for a new beginning!

One way to improve your health is to incorporate exercise snacking in your work day. Exercise snacking is “fun-sized” portions of exercise that fit into a day, opposed to going to the gym and working out for a straight hour or two, exercise snacking is short bursts of exercise that can be done multiple times throughout the day. This would be great for truckers because it can simply be done at a rest stop in two to three minutes. Some exercises you could incorporate include push-ups, sit ups, squats, lunges, sprints, or you could even go the extra mile and install a TRX system outside of your truck to perform more body weight exercises. No matter how you exercise, it is most important to just get your body moving. You would be surprised how these mini exercises not only improve your physical, but mental health as well. Exercising releases serotonin in the brain, resulting in your mood improving, and feeling better about yourself. It also is a good way to stay motivated while on the road. Over time you will see how these small daily changes truly improve your mental and physical health.

One overlooked aspect of trucking that may take a toll on your body overtime is bad posture. Having bad posture along with long hours spent in the driver’s seat can cause lower back pain and sciatica. These conditions can become so severe that they can risk drivers careers or force truckers to rely on potentially addictive painkillers to get by. Some solutions to this common issue is to keep your seat up high, forcing your pelvis in the correct position and avoiding slouching. If you want to go the extra mile, you could invest in a seat with lumbar support. This will help support your lower back, which is a huge problem many truck drivers face. You will also want to keep an internal note to stretch every so often. It may also be helpful to write it down on a sticky note and leave it somewhere you will see it, or set an alarm on your phone for every two hours to remind yourself to stretch. You should also do a full body stretch every time you are able to pull over at a rest stop. Stretching will remind your body to stay in the proper position, while also keeping your back muscles active. Pictured below are some simple but effective stretches you can include in your daily trucking life!

Performing these stretches overtime, along with the rest of the tips mentioned, will overall improve your mental and physical health. Giving your body the care, and exercise that it needs will also give you more energy. You will begin to feel less fatigued, and more motivated to take on your day. It is also proven that starting your day with a form of exercise can uplift your energy and put a positive outlook on the rest of your day. Starting your day out productive can at least put you in the right direction no matter what the rest of your day may entail. It is all about mentality, and doing your best to make small changes everyday that eventually will lead you into a routine where you do not even think about it! It will become a habit. And a healthy one at that!

5 Tips for Surviving the Summer: Summer Trucking Safety

5 Tips for Surviving the Summer: Summer Trucking Safety

Truck drivers are often warned about the dangers of trucking during the cold, winter months. But something that is often looked over is how the summer heat can also be a danger for truckers. Being on the roads during a long period of time while the sun beats down on you can definitely take a serious toll on your body. It is very important to take all the precautions possible to stay safe and healthy. You must think of the long-term, as well as short-term effects that the heat can have on your body. Luckily for you, we have compiled five things you may not have thought of to stay safe while trucking in the summertime!

  1. Sunscreen is an absolute MUST!

   If you are not applying and reapplying sunscreen during your trips, it is never too late to start! Sun damage for truckers is very real. Even in the winter months, applying sunscreen to your face, hands, arms, and any body part that is exposed is essential.  Reapplying sunscreen every few hours is key. If you can’t find the time to reapply, you could always wear a visor, or invest in a sun sleeve!

  1. Keep Plenty of Water in Your Cab

       Staying hydrated is very important year round. But you should make sure you carry multiple large water bottles in your cab especially in the summer. The sun can make you very fatigued. It is important to combat that by drinking plenty of water to keep from heat exhaustion. As well as preventing many other unwanted effects such as heat stroke, fainting, or dizziness. All of which can cause danger to yourself as well as the others on the road!

  1. Make Fun Frozen Snacks!

       Nothing cools you off like a nutritious frozen snack! These can be easily made since there is no baking involved, and you can incorporate your favorite foods! Frozen yogurt bites for example, is a simple yet delicious recipe that can be made in 10 minutes! You will need:

  • 1 cup fruit of choice, cut into small pieces as needed
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 cup full-fat plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup of your favorite granola


  • Arrange 24 mini cupcake liners in a mini muffin tin, on a plate, or on a baking sheet and set aside.
  • Make the fruit & yogurt filling: Add the fruit to a medium bowl and drizzle the honey over top. Mash the fruit with the honey, until the fruit is smashed, with small pieces remaining. Stir in the salt and Greek yogurt and mix until combined.
  • Place a teaspoon or two of the granola in the bottom of each cupcake liner. Top with a spoonful of the frozen yogurt mixture. Pop a piece of fruit or a sprinkle of granola on top of the yogurt for a fun garnish.
  •  Freeze at least 2 hours before serving. Enjoy!
  1. Be Aware of Heavier Traffic

       When summertime rolls around each year, families around the country love to take advantage of the season and be outside and travel as much as possible. Due to this, the traffic will unfortunately increase, creating a higher chance of an accident. This is why it is always important to stay hydrated as well. Hydration helps you stay awake, and causes your body and mind to be more alert on the road.

  1. Make Sure Your Cab Stays Cool

       Keeping a cool cab will always improve your work environment. This can be achieved by using a sun shield as well as a steering wheel cover. When you leave your cab, make sure to leave the windows down to keep air circulating. Another great idea would be to invest in ventilated seats, as the truck seats do retain a lot of heat!

Tips For Keeping Fresh, Clean, and Healthy On The Road

During these trying times, it is essential that we are staying fresh, clean, healthy, and while on the road. The idea of traveling across the nation can be daunting, especially when commodities such as truck stops, gyms, and other locations we commonly seek exercise and upkeep are closed. Whether that be getting a good workout in or washing your work uniform, which used to be simple tasks now poses a great challenge to commercial truck drivers. In order to combat these new difficulties as well as a worldwide virus during flu season, below you will find some recommendations on how to keep fresh, clean, and healthy while trucking on the road. Especially now as the winter months arrive, it is key that we all remain in the best health possible. Check out our tips and tricks below and let us know how you stay fresh while on the road!

Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer

What is better than killing two birds with one stone? Moisturizing hand sanitizer is an absolute essential in today’s world. Battling the current pandemic means taking as many precautions possible when it comes to maintaining your own personal health. Hand sanitizer is a wonderful way to keep yourself clean and safe by eliminating all bacteria on your hand following contact with other individuals and objects. At the same time, we find ourselves entering the winter months. With the winter season on the near horizon, dry skin and dry hands can often plague us. What better way to combat these two issues than with one solution. Easy to keep and store in your truck throughout the year, moisturizing hand sanitizer is a wonderful way to keep clean and feel great!

Outdoor Exercise

When you have the appropriate opportunity, make sure to get some outdoor exercise. It is absolutely essential to constantly be making sure you are awake and feeling great. While many gyms around the nation are still closed, an empty parking lot or local park is a wonderful way to get a quick run, jog, or cross-fit style workout in. Not only is working out great for the body, it is also great for the mind and you’ll surely find yourself more awake and aware while driving. Make sure to bundle up this time of year when exercising outdoors, but certainly take advantage of the cool weather to wake you up!

Watch What You Eat

As the winter months approach, there is often nothing more comforting than warming yourself up to a nice hearty meal. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with good, filling meals to keep you going, make sure you watch what you eat at the traditionally more inactive months approach. An unfortunate reality of the cold cold winter months is that many individuals tone down their exercise routines. Combat this with an even healthier diet!

Get Good Sleep

Sleep is absolutely essential to properly operate any motor vehicle, let alone a commercial sized truck. During these winter months, make sure you have the proper equipment in order to get a good night’s rest. Good sleep is essential to staying mentally sharp and physically in shape. If you find yourself having sleep issues, make sure you reach out to a medical professional and address the issue as quickly as possible. Good sleep is mandatory for any truck driver!

We hope these healthy tips will assist you throughout the winter months. Safe travels everybody!

The Benefits of a Career at Lily

2020 Meal Prepping On The Go: Meal & Snack Ideas For All Drivers

By this point, it is no secret that eating on the road has been impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. While states across the nation continue to slowly lift certain aspects of statewide restrictions, the need to keep our bodies fueled on the road has not changed whatsoever, yet the variety of open dining establishments continues to suffer. With that in mind, below are some great snack and meal ideas for operators looking to stay energized and sharp while trucking throughout the nation.

1.) Salads – Easy to pack in any Tupperware style container, salads of any kind provide a great meal for any driver on the road. Whether you want to spice it up with your meat of choice or want to keep it simple with lettuce and a little dressing, salads of any kind are easy to make, affordable, and easy to pack for any journey– whether you’re home every night or find yourself in a different part of the country each week. 

2.) Yogurt and Granola – Easily packed into coolers of any size, a quick and easy Yogurt, and Granola breakfast or snack is great for keeping you sharp and energized. Packing essential proteins and nutrients, yogurt snacks let you change up monotonous routines and have a little fun when packing your food for the day or week. If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to the traditional yogurts, give Greek yogurt a try!

3.) Nuts – With plenty of varieties to choose from, nuts of all kinds provide quick and effective ways to get essential nutrients and proteins. Simple and easy to pack, consider buying a large pack of nut assortments the next time you grocery shop. When the time does not allow for an extended lunch break, a healthy dose of nuts can eliminate that hunger and provide you with the fuel needed to keep on moving forward. 

4.) Fruit – While a bit more challenging to keep and store, fruit provides an excellent way to eat healthy while on the road. Whether that be apples or oranges, fruit provides an excellent source of vitamins and sugars that are sure to keep you energized on the road. 

5.) Soup – Whether you like them cold or hot, soups of any kind provide excellent ways to convenient pack and store complete meals. Not only do they serve as an effective option for storage, but an excellent source of proteins and other nutrients as well. Whether it be a chicken noodle, Italian weddings, tomato or beef, and noodles, soups of all kinds make for great meals on the road.

The list could go on! If you’re craving sandwiches, don’t shy away from packing your favorite deli-style meal! Peanut butter and jelly will always be an American staple and leftovers are often some of the best go-to meals. Consider making multiple servings when cooking up your favorite meal next time! 

The Benefits of a Career at Lily

Fall Driving Tips: 4 Ways to Keep Stay Safe In The Fall Foliage

It’s no secret that the autumn months provide some of the most incredible scenic driving in the world. Whether that be in colonial New England or the Pacific Northwest, fall driving rewards operators with cooler weather and stunning foliage, an incredible combination for those who work on the road. With a new season upon us, we must also remember how that affects truck driving in terms of safety and common practice. From wildlife to foliage, each fall offers aspects unique to other seasons. Let’s take a look at four unique tips that will keep drivers safe in these cool-autumn months.

Watch Out For Leaves and Tree Debris

While the beautiful colored leaves offer gorgeous scenery, stationary leaves on road can create hazards dangerous to all drivers. Traffic hazards are serious issues and a patch of damp leaves can trigger accidents if drivers and operators are not paying close attention. What is the best way to handle areas of road covered in leaves? Slow down and approach carefully– avoid sudden braking and swerving.

Pay Attention For Wildlife

Deer and other large game animals are traditionally most active during the fall months. While some trucks may be equipped with protective guards, all drivers should be wary and cautious when driving through heavily wooded or deer populated areas. Most commonly active during the morning and evening, it is not uncommon to see deer alongside highways and roads alike. Keep an eye out for crossing signs and avoid sudden braking and swerving.

Weather Variation

The transition from fall to summer provides a welcomed cooling across the country. While most appreciate the cooler mornings and nights, it is crucial to remember significant daily weather variations can create hazards on the road. With many areas of the country experiencing the first freezing temperatures of the season, drivers need to be cautious of their surroundings and vehicle. Wind and rainstorms can trigger significant debris droppings from the changing foliage. If possible, look ahead at local weather and prepare accordingly.

Stay Aware of Sun Glare

With the sun setting earlier in the day across the country, it is crucial that drivers recognize and prepare for the risk of sun glare. Shorter days and daylight savings create sun glare, making it far more challenging to see pedestrians, road debris, other drivers, and more. In order to protect yourself and other drivers, keep your windshield clean and carry a pair of sunglasses at the ready.

Keeping these four tips in mind, make sure to enjoy the beautiful fall foliage while on the road. There simply is not another career which provides such a privilege and opportunity!

The Benefits of a Career at Lily

What Does Being a Safe Trucker Look Like in Summer 2020?

There have been a lot of new trucking industry trends to keep track of in 2020, especially when it comes to ensuring trucker safety. With COVID-19 dramatically changing the way our country runs, the efforts needed to be a safe trucker look a bit different than they usually do. 

To help drivers keep themselves and those around them healthy this summer, we’ve outlined a few things that define what safe trucking looks like in 2020.

Following the CDC’s COVID Safety Guidelines

When it comes to summer trucking safety in 2020, one of the most important things to do is follow the CDC’s safety guidelines for COVID prevention. According to the CDC website, being a safe trucker means:

  • Limiting close contact with other people by maintaining six feet of distance 
  • Wearing a cloth face covering or mask in public when staying six feet apart isn’t possible
  • Frequently cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces you come into contact (door handles, steering wheel, seat belt, turn signal, etc.)
  • Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds every time you enter or leave the cab
  • Packing food, water, and supplies, so you don’t have to make as many stops on the road
  • Wearing gloves whenever you venture outside of the truck

Here at Lily Transportation, there’s nothing more important than trucker safety. To support our drivers’ safety, we’ve equipped them with advanced cleaning supplies (like a lithium-ion sprayer that we use to clean and disinfect the interior of their trucks) to ensure nothing less than the safest working environments. 

Making Summer Trucking Safety a Priority

Looking beyond COVID, summer trucking comes with its own health and safety recommendations for truckers. The summer season can be unpredictable. You never know if you’ll be driving through a heatwave, rainstorm, or heavy winds. That’s why Lily Transportation provides its drivers with a collection of summer trucking safety tips and guidelines to help them embrace the safe trucker lifestyle.

Some of the most important ways a trucker can prioritize their safety include taking actions like:

  • Checking the weather so you can prepare yourself for day’s travel
  • Making sure you stay hydrated
  • Having a healthy selection of snacks (fruits, veggies, trail mixes, granola, etc.) 
  • Wearing sunscreen if it’s sunny outside (it’s still possible to get sunburnt even when you’re inside the truck for most of the day)
  • Paying attention to traffic trends
  • Maintaining the areas of your truck that are especially affected by the summer heat (cooling and air-conditioning systems, coolant levels, tires and tire pressure, and the brake system, for example)

Being a safe trucker in 2020 looks a bit different than it did in years prior, but with the truck driver safety tips and guidelines above, you can keep yourself strong, healthy, and ready for whatever the season throws your way.

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How Did the COVID Pandemic Affect Operation Safe Driver Week?

Every year, The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) picks a specific focus area for its annual Operation Safe Driver Week, and this year was no exception. Even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CVSA was committed to identifying and deterring unsafe driving behaviors and ran as scheduled between July 12th and 18th.

However, like many events in 2020, Operation Safe Driver Week 2020 was affected by the ongoing pandemic. Here are a few ways that the CVSA used Operation Safe Driver to address some of the trucker safety concerns that COVID-19 has called attention to.

Less Traffic = More Speeding

With so many people staying home, traffic has dropped, and roadways across the country have emptied. For example, The Washington Post reported in May 2020 that some of the busiest highways in Los Angeles, New York City, and Washington had seen an over 50% drop in traffic. 

While fewer cars on the road would seem like a good thing for trucker safety, emptier highways have led to an increase in the number of people speeding. The average speed on the highways in the areas listed above, for example, has increased by as much as 75%. To address this trend, the CVSA chose to focus this year’s Operation Safe Driver Week on the issue of speeding.

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“As passenger vehicle drivers are limiting their travel to necessary trips and many commercial motor vehicle drivers are busy transporting vital goods to stores, it’s more important than ever to monitor our roadways for safe transport,” said CVSA President Sgt. John Samis with the Delaware State Police.

In addition to the focus on speeding, the CVSA also made a point to reference distracted driving, failure to use a seatbelt, following too closely behind other vehicles, improper lane change, and reckless or aggressive driving as behaviors they wanted to closely monitor in order to promote better driver and trucker safety.

Continuing to Make Trucker Safety a Top Priority

In addition to targeting reckless, distracted, and speeding drivers, law enforcement also said that the goal of Operation Safe Driver Week “was to educate drivers while watching for problems on the road.” And with truck drivers playing such an essential role in keeping our country going during COVID-19, the CVSA felt that it was especially important to ensure Operation Safe Driver Week continued as scheduled.

Lily Transportation is committed to doing its part in making sure that safe truck driving remains a top priority. We equip all of our drivers with meticulously maintained equipment, only put them behind the wheel of brand new or late model trucks, offer them ongoing driver safety training, and provide them onboard safety equipment that can go with them wherever they go.

We’re so proud of our truck drivers and honored to work with them and all the law enforcement officers who worked with the CVSA to make this year’s Operation Safe Driver Week happen. 

The Benefits of a Career at Lily

Why Is There Such a High Demand for Truck Drivers?

The trucking industry is bouncing back in a big way. After years of dealing with a shortage of drivers, the industry is now home to 3.5 million of them, and that number continues to grow. The demand for truck drivers has never been stronger, so if you’re looking for trucking jobs, you’re in luck!

More Opportunities Than Ever Before

Trucking has always been a major backbone of our country’s economy. Without trucker jobs, online shopping would grind to a halt and affect the lives of countless businesses and consumers. And since the number of people shopping online continues to grow, it’s safe to assume that the demand for truck drivers won’t be going away anytime soon.

There’s more good news, too! The industry is more diverse than it’s ever been before, as companies (like Lily Transportation!) are actively hiring women, veterans, and anyone interested in seeing what the truck driver lifestyle has to offer. 

As soon as you get your commercial driver’s license, a whole new world of opportunity will open to you. Whether you’re looking for trucking jobs that will let you see the whole country or just your local area, Lily Transportation has openings for you. We’ll work with you to find a role that finetunes your skills and helps you find your place behind the wheel of one of our beautiful trucks.

The Importance of Truck Drivers Is Never Going Away

One of the best things about trucking is that just about anyone can do it. The demand for truck drivers has remained strong for years, and even as the industry continues to evolve, that isn’t going to change. Just look at our country today as it deals with the COVID-19 pandemic. With so many people sheltering themselves at home, it’s our country’s truck drivers that have ensured everyone has access to the essential supplies they need.

Even when the pandemic is over, online shopping will remain a staple of our country’s economy (maybe more than ever), which means our way of life will continue to need dedicated and professional truck drivers. 

This is why Lily Transportation is always pursuing, recruiting, and hiring truck drivers. We’re blessed to have so many amazing truck drivers on our team and we’d love to help you become a part of the Lily Family. 

“Lily made me feel comfortable and gave me the opportunity to change careers. It’s a great company to work for and I just want to ask you (other drivers): “What are you waiting for?” Join us!

— Yessica Licona–Amador, Driver

The demand for truck drivers isn’t going anywhere, so if you want to find truck driving jobs that will compensate you well and make sure you and yours are well taken care of,  reach out to one of our recruiters today at 800-248-LILY.

The Benefits of a Career at Lily

The Female Trucker Lifestyle: What It Means to Part of Lily’s Ladies

Just a few years ago, women made up less than 6% of the drivers working in the trucking industry. As of 2019, however, that number has risen to 10%—and it’s still going up. The female trucker lifestyle is continuing to grow and improve, and Lily Transportation could not be more excited about it.

Here at Lily Transportation, we’re always looking for new ways to improve and showcase the female trucker lifestyle. If you’ve ever wondered what kind of jobs in the trucking industry are available to women, or what a day in the life of a female trucker looks like, you’ve come to the right place. 

Supporting You and Yours

On average, jobs in the trucking industry pay around $45,000 annually. But at Lily Transportation, the salaries we provide to all of our truckers range from upwards of $50,000 to $95,000. We’re committed to supporting our Lily Family in every way we can, which is why we offer competitive salaries and a variety of additional benefits, including things like:

  • Paid holiday and vacation times
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical and Dental Insurance
  • Matching 401k
  • Health and Wellness Programs
  • 24-hour dispatch
  • Quarterly and annual bonuses for safe driving

Whether you’re driving solo or with a partner, locally or cross-country, Lily Transportation will ensure that you have the constant support you need to be the best driver (and person) you can be.  

Part of the Lily Family

The female trucker lifestyle at Lily goes beyond competitive pay and benefits; it means joining a family that takes care of its own. No matter what your background is, Lily will work alongside you and make sure you’re set up to succeed in a role that will enrich your personal and professional lives.

“I encourage a lot of women to come and work for Lily Transportation. It’s worth your while. It’s an awesome, awesome place to work.”

— Renata Sczuroski

There are more jobs in the trucking industry for women than ever before. Companies like Lily Transportation actively pursue and recruit female truckers, and we’re taking great care to promote a culture that supports those drivers in the essential work they do. If you’re already one of our Lily Ladies, then check out our Facebook group! We’d love to see you there.

If you have any questions about the female trucker lifestyle or want to learn how to become one of Lily’s Ladies, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! We would love to talk to you.

Driving Diversity