Lily Transportation Makes Hiring Veterans a Top Priority. Here’s How.

There are plenty of civilian jobs for veterans out there, but finding the right one for you and your skills is easier said than done. With the flexible work schedules, competitive pay, incredible opportunities for growth and adventure, and the countless companies excited by the prospect of hiring veterans, a trucking job may be the solution you’re looking for. 

Lily Transportation is excited to help you find a new career path after your time in the military, and we’re committed to making hiring veterans a core piece of our company’s business strategy. Here are just a few of the ways that we do that:

We Offer Training Programs for Veteran Truck Drivers

Before you get behind the wheel, you’re going to need a commercial driver’s license (CDL). If you drove heavy machinery during your time in the military, then you may be eligible for the military CDL waiver, which will expedite the certification process and get you behind the wheel faster. But even if you don’t qualify, the FMCSA makes it easy to get started.

Once you get your CDL, you can enroll in the Lily Veterans Network, where we will work with you to fine-tune your skills so you’re fully prepared for whatever the open road has in store. Additionally, the eight-week training course is fully paid for by Lily and will not deplete your GI Bill benefits.

We want to make sure you’re not only equipped with all the expertise you need to thrive as a military CDL driver but also that you’re well-compensated. This is why the training curriculum comes with a paid salary of $800 a week plus company benefits. Upon graduation from the program, you’ll be placed in an over-the-road assignment and will receive annual compensation in the $70,000 range. 

We’re Actively Hiring Veterans!

Lily Transportation is always excited about hiring veterans, and we’re eager to get in touch with anyone who is:

  • Interested in a career as a commercial trucker but doesn’t have any experience
  • A current commercial driver or someone who operated a heavy truck in the military
  • Experienced in leadership roles and wants to apply the skills they’ve earned in the military to the transportation industry

The characteristics and skills military veterans possess are incredibly dynamic and valuable, and Lily is actively looking to hire veterans in military CDL jobs. No matter how much experience you have (or don’t have), we want to hear from you! Get in touch with us today to learn more about the kinds of trucking jobs for veterans we have available and what the Lily family can offer you! We can’t wait to get to know you.

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Lily Transportation’s Safety Tips for Truck Drivers

Prioritizing trucking safety is one of the most important things a truck driver (and their carrier) can do. When you spend most of your day behind the wheel of a truck, you need to be aware of things that someone driving a normal car won’t have to worry about. With this in mind, Lily Transportation wants to share some safety tips for truck drivers that will help keep you, and everyone you share the road with, as safe as possible.

The Best Safety Tips for Truck Drivers

While all of the training and certifications you went through to get your commercial driver’s license (CDL) have left you well-equipped with the tools and skills you need to succeed behind the wheel, it’s important to never stop learning. Even the most experienced truck drivers can continue to expand their expertise, and that’s what we want to help you do with these truck driver safety tips. 

Let’s get to it!

1) Complete a CDL Pre-Trip Inspection

Before you hit the road, you should always perform a CDL pre-trip inspection. This inspection will tell you if your truck is ready to be driven and covers things like “major hoses, fluid levels, brakes, tires, lights, couplings, clutch or gearshift, emergency equipment and much more.

Employers require a CDL pre-trip inspection for truck safety reasons before a driver gets on the road, but it’s good practice to go through your truck driver safety checklist at the start of every day. This way, you always know how your truck is doing and can keep tabs on anything that could be cause for concern later down the line of your trip.

2) Always Use (and Pay Attention) to Signals

Using your signals is a fundamental part of driving, regardless of the size of the vehicle you’re operating. However, when driving a truck, you need to pay special attention to how and when you’re using your signals as well as when the drivers around you are using their signals. 

Always signal well-before you’re making a turn or merging into another lane so that other drivers can make room for you. Check your mirrors every 8-10 seconds, so you don’t miss a vehicle that’s entering your blind spots. And if you ever have to pull off the road, use your flashers, reflective triangles, and road flares (if necessary) to alert others to your presence.

3) Plan Your Trip Ahead of Time

There are all sorts of things that can happen on the road, but planning a trip ahead of time will undoubtedly make you better equipped to handle those things. Before you get behind the wheel, take some time to look at the weather you might be facing. Look at traffic, check out the best route to take, and make sure you pinpoint any stops you’ll want to make. This is one of the easiest safety tips for truck drivers and will go a long way toward getting you where you’re going as quickly (and safely) as possible.

4) Stay Energized & Focused

An essential, but often overlooked, truck driver safety tip is snacks. When you’re driving all day, you need to keep yourself energized and focused, ideally without the sugar or caffeine crash that comes as a result of coffee or energy drinks. So, instead of stocking up on those all-too-tempting salty and sugary snacks, try a variety of mixed nuts, fruits, veggies, and protein shakes.

Not only will these nutritious snacks keep your energy levels high, but when paired with a steady intake of water, it will keep you from getting hungry before it’s time to stop for a proper meal. And since these healthy snacks taste great, keeping them on hand is one of the easiest safety tips for truck drivers to adopt!

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5 Tips for Staying Hydrated on the Road (and Why It’s Important)

Whether you’re sitting in an office all day or working construction, it’s impossible to overemphasize the importance of staying hydrated. However, when you’re a truck driver, it can be tricky to keep yourself hydrated while also staying energized and on schedule. 

But it’s not impossible and is probably far easier than you think. Truck driver safety and health are essential, so here are some tips for staying hydrated on the road that we hope will help you take care of yourself.

What’s the Importance of Staying Hydrated?

Before we get started, let’s talk about why it’s so important to stay hydrated, especially when you’re behind the wheel.

According to a study published in 2015, driving while dehydrated can lead to a “significant increase in minor driving errors.” For comparison’s sake, the study goes on to explain how drivers who aren’t properly hydrated are prone to the same kind (and number) of errors as people who are overly fatigued or have a blood alcohol content of approximately 0.08%. If you’re looking for a way to promote truck driver health and wellness, then you should start by looking at the following tips for staying hydrated.

Get a Reusable Water Bottle

One of the easiest ways to stay hydrated while driving is to keep water close by. If you have something within reach (snacks, drinks, etc.), then the odds are pretty high that you’ll reach for it. So, instead of cluttering your truck with plastic bottles (and paying for them individually), keep a good-sized water bottle with you. And whenever you empty the bottle, which should be at least a couple of times a day, make sure you fill it back up again!

Eat Food that Contains Water

If you don’t enjoy drinking water, then there are other tips for staying hydrated that you can take advantage of. For example, try eating foods that are rich in water. These include fruits and vegetables like cucumbers, celery, watermelon, strawberries, grapefruit, and the like. These make for great snacks, too, so you can stay hydrated and energized at the same time.

Don’t Rely on Energy Drinks or Caffeine

It’s not uncommon to hear that caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, or energy drinks don’t contribute to hydration, but that’s not the whole story. While these beverages can help you stay hydrated, to a degree, they can’t replace water entirely. 

There are also plenty of ways to spruce up your water with lemons, limes, berries, or even cucumber slices. Carbonated waters are another great solution, so don’t feel confined to plain old water if you don’t want to.

Make it a Habit

There are plenty of helpful tips for staying hydrated while driving, but ultimately, they all come down to one thing: making it a habit. When you make hydration a part of your daily routine, you’ll not only be prioritizing truck driver health and wellness, but you’ll feel healthier, more energized, and better equipped to tackle whatever comes your way on the open road.

What To Expect inYour First Year of Over the Road Trucking at Lily

5 Winter Trucking Tips to Keep You Safe on the Road

The driving conditions during the winter months are as unpredictable as they come. One day might be blue skies and clear roads, while the next is an absolute whiteout where visibility is almost nonexistent. Knowing how to handle winter driving is a must for everyone, but it’s especially crucial for truck drivers. Here are some winter trucking tips to help you stay safe on the road this season:

1) Always Check the Weather Conditions

You may not be able to predict winter weather and driving conditions (not even the meteorologists can get it right all the time!), but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take some time to look ahead and see what could be on its way.

The more warning you have that inclement weather is coming, the more time you’ll have to prepare yourself and your truck to face it. Or, if it’s going to be really bad, then you’ll have enough time to prioritize winter driving safety and make other plans.  

2) Wear the Appropriate Clothing

Trucking may not have a universal dress code, but winter trucking does have a recommended dress code. If you’re going to be participating in winter truck driving, then you’re going to need to dress for the part. This means keeping a coat and extra sets of mittens, socks, hats, gloves, and boots easily accessible in the truck.

3) Keep Your Truck in Tip-Top Shape

Before hitting the road, one of the best winter truck driving tips to follow is simply keeping your vehicle in prime condition. This means having a full tank, regularly checking your tire pressure, using chains when needed, and keeping the truck clean and visible. 

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It might be a pain to clean the snow off your truck, but it will make the drive easier and safer for you and everyone you share the road with.

4) Make Sure You Have a Fully-Stocked Winter Driving Kit

When it comes to the best winter driving tips for truck drivers, there are few things more essential than having a well-stocked winter driving kit with you on the road. This “kit” can (and should!) be customized to the needs of each trip and individual driver, but should include things like:

  • Blankets
  • Batteries
  • Chargers
  • First aid kit (and pocket knife)
  • Small shovel(s)
  • Truck maintenance equipment (jumper cables, windshield scraper, extra washer fluid)
  • Bottled water
  • Some healthy snacks for truck drivers (fruits, nuts, granola, etc.)

5) Practice Winter Trucking Safety Best Practices

Winter trucking is unavoidable—especially when driving in an OTR capacity, where you’ll likely cross into all four seasons at one point or another. But with the right winter trucking tips and best practices, you can ensure that you, your truck, and everyone else on the road remains safe and well-equipped for the weather ahead of them.

For example, before hitting the road, you should check your tire tread depth, air pressure, inflation, and, when necessary, add on your trusty tire chains. And when the day comes to an end, plug in the engine block heater (if you’re driving a diesel truck) so your vehicle will be able to start back up again when morning rolls around. 

Winter driving safety isn’t just about knowing how to drive a truck in snow, though. It also means exercising these tips on a daily basis and always prioritizing safe driving practices. This means knowing the kind of environment and conditions you’ll be driving in and using the techniques that will keep you safe in them. 

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The Many Benefits of Lily’s Unique Program for Veteran Truck Drivers

Truck driving is one of the best jobs for veterans looking for a new career path after their time in the military has come to an end. Whether it’s the competitive pay, flexible schedules, or the (many) employers who are excited to work with you, veteran truck drivers have a lot of reasons to get behind the wheel.

Hiring (and retaining) veteran truck drivers is one of the most important things Lily Transportation does. We’re committed to increasing the percentage of veteran truckers in our ranks by 10% each year and are always on the lookout for new opportunities to work with veterans looking to get a fresh start in the civilian workforce.

Here are a few of the many benefits Lily’s unique Veterans Network has to offer veteran truck drivers:

We Accept Drivers with All Levels of Experience

Regardless of the amount of experience you have operating heavy vehicles, Lily Transportation wants to work with you! 

If you’re a veteran who drove heavy trucks as part of your service, then we’d love to help you get your commercial driver’s license (CDL) through the Military Skills Test Waiver Program. If you’re a veteran who’s interested in a truck driving career but doesn’t have any experience, then Lily wants to help equip you with the skills you need to thrive in the industry.

We need your knowledge and skills on our team, and no matter what kind of experience you bring with you, there’s a place for you in the Lily Family!

We’ll Help You Fine-Tune Your Skills Behind the Wheel

Once you have your CDL, either by passing the written and skills-based tests or by taking advantage of the FMCSA’s various programs for military veterans, you’ll be enrolled in a Lily training program that will help you fine-tune your truck driving skills. This three-to-six week training course is fully paid for by Lily and will not drain any of your GI Bill benefits. 

While you’re training, we’ll also provide you with $800 a week (plus company benefits!), so you can continue to care for yourself and your family while you sharpen your skills behind the wheel. And upon graduation, your annual compensation will be in the $70,000 range.

We Take Care of Our Own

We know that adjusting to the civilian lifestyle isn’t easy, but you don’t have to do it alone. With our unique program for veteran truck drivers, Lily strives to get you plugged into a community of driven professionals who will rally around you to make your transition into a new job role as seamlessly as possible. 

If you’re looking for a fresh start, then Lily can provide you with the kind of education veteran truck driving schools offer while also helping you settle into your new role as a veteran truck driver. We’re here to help you thrive, so if you have any questions about the veteran trucking jobs available to you, please get in touch with us today

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4 Things Lily Transportation Does to Support Veterans

Military veterans are some of the most qualified people out there, and there are few industries as aware of that fact as the trucking and transportation industry. Your experiences in the military have equipped you with the kind of steadfast commitment, expertise, and skillset that define the best truck drivers on the road.

Here at Lily Transportation, we’re always looking for new ways to support veterans. In everything we do, we strive to be one of the most veteran-friendly employers in the industry. Here are just four of the things that Lily does to support veterans reacclimate to the civilian workforce:

1) We’re Actively Hiring Military Veterans

Currently, 15% of Lily’s current employee-base is made up of veterans, and we’re always working to make sure that the number continues to grow by at least 10% each year. Lily Transportation is uniquely aware of the value veteran truck drivers can bring to the job, and your discipline and mission-focus will make you an excellent fit for the Lily Family!

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We hope to see the number of veteran truck driving jobs skyrocket as high as possible, and we’re always on the lookout for new and effective ways to support veterans. 

2) We’ll Help You Get CDL-Certified 

Every professional truck driver needs to obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL) before they can get behind the wheel. The first step toward this is simple: walk into your local DMV and pick-up one of their CDL manuals. This handbook will act as your roadmap and textbook, as it provides you with all of the information you’ll need for the first part of your CDL-certification: the written test.

Once you’ve passed the written test, you’ll be given your commercial learner’s permit (CLP). Use this permit to practice the various inspection tests and driving maneuvers your CDL manual outlines, as these will be crucial elements of the skills-based part of the CDL test. To help make this process as easy as possible, Lily Transportation will assign you to one of our CDL-certified drivers to help you practice and perfect your commercial motor vehicle (CMV) skills.

However, if you operated a heavy vehicle as part of your military experience, then you may be eligible for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Military Skills Test Waiver Program, which will excuse you from the skills-test. This means that you’ll only have to take the written portion of the test before being awarded your CDL training and certification.

3) We’ll Sponsor Your Truck Driving Education

Regardless of whether you have any driving experience from your time in the military, Lily Transportation will get you started in a specialized ten-week training program that’s designed to help you fine-tune your CMV driving skills in the real world. 

This training curriculum is fully paid for by Lily, and as such, will not deplete your GI Bill. And once you graduate from the program, we’ll get you set-up in the world of veteran trucking, and you’ll be looking at annual compensation in the $70,000 range. 

4) Job Security and Financial Stability

In exchange for your full scholarship to Lily’s training program, we ask for a minimum one-year commitment to n over-the-road (OTR) driving assignment. This will help you put all of your skills to practice and give you a wealth of opportunity to get comfortable in your new career.

As a veteran truck driver, you’ll be a part of one of the country’s most vital industries. You’ll experience a tremendous amount of opportunity, see the country in ways you never thought possible, and have a degree of job security and compensation that few industries can match.

If you have any questions about Lily Transportation’s Veterans Network or want to learn more about how we support veterans both on-and-off the job, then please get in touch with us today! We’d love to connect with you and help you find your place in the exciting world of commercial truck driving.

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How Lily Transportation Prepares its Drivers for Winter Truck Driving

Winter truck driving is just about impossible to avoid entirely. Even if you’re located in warmer weather, the odds of you encountering some level of winter weather are pretty high. This is why Lily Transportation is committed to equipping its drivers with all the skills, winter driving tips, and equipment they’ll need to thrive behind the wheel, no matter what weather they face.

Here are several of the ways we help prepare our driver for winter trucking conditions:

1) Skid Prevention

Winter is well-known for its unpredictable weather. You can have sunshine in the morning and then be in a blizzard by lunch-time. Which, as you can imagine, makes it difficult to plan ahead for the day when even the weather forecast can’t be trusted all the time. 

When you’re driving in winter weather, you must know how to handle your truck in the case of icy road conditions. Skidding is dangerous in any context and can occur as a result of wet or slippery roads, high speeds, worn tires, or heavy braking. To ensure that our drivers are prepared for anything—even skidding—as part of our truck driver safety checklist, we have a few winter truck driving tips to help them stay safe:

  • Ease off on the accelerator when encountering tight turns or slick roads
  • If you start to skid, turn your front wheel in the same direction the rear wheels are sliding
  • Slow down gradually
  • Give yourself plenty of time to brake when approaching intersections or stop signs/lights
  • Keep the truck trailer straight before braking

If you ever find yourself actively skidding, then you should depress the clutch as soon as possible, look at the left mirror only, and focus on steering (and counter-steering) so you can get yourself back in front of the trailer. 

Winter truck driving can be tricky, and Lily Transportation is committed to ensuring each of our drivers is more than well-equipped for anything and everything the winter roads could throw their way.

2) Regular Winter Driving Tips

While Lily Transportation commits a lot of time and resources to fully training our drivers, we also acknowledge that there will always be new things to learn. This is why we regularly hold driver training sessions and provide literature with any new tips and tricks to keep them informed current.

Whether it’s a live broadcast on our communication television at the Lily distribution center, posted as a  simple flyer in a common area, on one of our social media accounts, handed out in a driver training meeting, or word-of-mouth shared around the watercooler, everyone at Lily is devoted to learning whatever we can whenever we can. 

Winter driving tips, in particular, are always relevant, and we never pass up an opportunity to let our team know when there’s a new tip or development they can benefit from.   

3) Providing Drivers with the Highest Quality Equipment

There are countless winter truck driving tips we can (and do) share with our drivers, but arguably the best thing anyone can do during the winter months is to have the best equipment on their side. For example, Lily’s entire fleet of vehicles is comprised of brand new and late model trucks that we continuously and meticulously maintained for maximum safety, efficiency, and comfort.

This way, we know that all of our drivers are operating vehicles that are capable of handling anything the winter season could come up with.

If you want to learn more about how Lily Transportation prepares its driver for winter driving conditions, get in touch with us today! We’d love to talk to you about our job openings, the benefits we offer, and the many ways we provide for our drivers all year long.

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Are You Eligible for the Veteran CDL Waiver?

Are you transitioning out of a military career and into a civilian one? Maybe you’re looking for a new adventure, something that can pay the bills, of course, but also something that can keep you from spending long days behind a desk. Luckily, the transportation industry not only has a vast array of job offerings for you, but you might qualify for a veteran CDL waiver, which can get you into a truck driving career in record time. 

Obtaining your commercial driver’s license (CDL) will be your first step into the truck driving lifestyle. But to get there, you have to take a written and skills-based test first. If you drove heavy vehicles while serving in the military, however, then you may be able to skip the skills-based portion of the test. Here’s how to find out if you’re eligible for the military veteran CDL waiver:

How (and When) to Apply for a Military CDL Waiver

According to the FMCSA, military veterans who have “two years of experience safely operating trucks or buses” will be eligible for a veteran CDL waiver if they apply within one year of leaving the military position that required them to operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). 

To get started, all you have to do is complete the Application for Military Skills Test Waiver (which includes a section that your Commanding Officer will need to fill out) and then make an appointment at the CDL licensing office that’s closest to you. Then you’ll complete your state’s CDL application form (which you can find on and provide all of the required paperwork, a copy of your military driver’s license, and other proofs of identity.

Veteran CDL Waiver Requirements

Military veteran CDL waivers are currently available in every state. As of February 2017, almost 20,000 current and former military members have taken advantage of the waiver, making them eligible for employment by transportation companies. 

Before you get your CDL, though, the FMCSA says that you have to certify to your State Driver Licensing Agency (SDLA) that you have:

  • A history of safe driving
  • Not held more than one license (the exception being your military driver’s license) in the past two years
  • Not had your State-issued license suspended, revoked, or canceled
  • Not been convicted in any motor vehicle offenses

If you meet those requirements (and the ones listed in the previous section), then you’re in a perfect position to get your veteran CDL waiver, take the written test, and get plugged into one of the many civilian-military truck driving jobs waiting for you!

Some carriers, like Lily Transportation, will even offer you a training course to help you fine-tune your CMV driving skills. The Lily Veterans Network, for example, provides a ten-week training curriculum that’s completely paid for by Lily and won’t drain any of your GI Bill benefits. You’ll also receive a paid salary of $800 a week (and company benefits!) while you’re enrolled in the training course.

Upon graduation, you’ll be able to get plugged into a one-year over-the-road driving assignment and receive annual compensation in the $60-70,000 range. Reach out to us today to learn more about how you can get your military veteran CDL waiver, enroll in the Lily Veterans Network, and kickstart your new career off on a high note!

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What Does Lily’s Truck Driver Safety Checklist Look Like?

Safety is, and always will be, the highest priority for Lily Transportation. Whether it’s our comprehensive Driver Safety Program—which includes bonuses for drivers who demonstrate exemplary safety on the road—or our meticulously maintained equipment, everything we do is based around safety.

To help our drivers keep themselves and the people they share the road with, as safe as possible, Lily Transportation has curated a truck driver safety checklist. This ever-evolving truck driver checklist is designed with the sole goal of ensuring that safety is of the utmost importance every single day. Here are some of the truck driving safety tips and practices our truck driver safety checklist focuses on:

1) Check the Weather Conditions

Whether you’re driving a 16-wheeler cross-country or simply visiting your parents in the next town over, you should always check the weather conditions before hitting the road. Weather is infamously unpredictable, so even the most prepared drivers aren’t immune to surprise, but looking ahead is a crucial first step for any trip.

This rings especially true in the winter months, where the weather conditions can be difficult and unruly. Lily Transportation knows how tricky winter trucking can be, which is why our truck driver safety checklist and processes include safe operating practices (and training) as well as onboard safety equipment in all of our vehicles.

2) Inspect (and Clean) Your Truck

Another thing every driver should do before getting on the road is to inspect their truck. This means checking your tires (especially during the winter, where freezing temperatures can cause problems for tires that aren’t adequately inflated) and checking the truck for anything out of the ordinary. 

Are all the doors closed and latched securely? Is your battery fully charged? How does your radiator look? How about the truck’s belts and hoses? Do you have an engine block heater on hand to make sure the truck doesn’t get too cold overnight?

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Every truck driver safety checklist should also involve assessing how clean your truck is. If it snowed recently, for example, then you may need to remove snow from the top of the truck, so it doesn’t come flying off on the road, causing a safety hazard for other drivers.

3) Double-Check Your Fuel

Regardless of how long (or not) your upcoming trip is, it’s always crucial to check (and then double-check) your fuel levels as part of your truck driver safety checklist. And if you’re driving into cold weather, then you’ll want to consider using blended fuel, especially when your truck uses diesel fuel, which can turn into a frozen “slush” in freezing temperatures.

To counteract this, American Trucker says, “to use winter blend fuel with a high cetane rating and add anti-gel additives at each fill-up.” 

4) Stock Up on Supplies

Making sure your truck is operating at peak efficiency and safety is one thing, but making sure that you as the driver are also being taken care of is another, equally important, thing altogether. You can have the safest truck ever, but if the driver behind the wheel isn’t prepared for the open road, then safety can take a nosedive.

This is why Lily Transportation makes it a priority to educate our drivers on the kind of supplies they’ll need to stock up on. Whether it’s snacks like fruit, nuts, and other healthy meal options, or an emergency safety kit with all the tools they’ll need, “just in case,” we’re firm believers in the age-old saying, “you can never be too careful.”

Lily not only follows safe hiring practices by running the appropriate background checks and testing, but we also take it a step further by providing consistent hands-on training to make sure all our drivers are fully-equipped with the skillsets they’ll need.

In addition, our trucks are either new or late-model vehicles (typically less than 2 years old) that are equipped with the latest safety technology in the industry including crash avoidance and lane departure in addition to Lytx Dash Cams for our entire fleet.

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What is the Under 21 Military CDL Pilot Program?

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is also committed to making it as easy as possible for military veterans from all walks of life to get settled in a career as a professional truck driver.

To help them achieve this goal, the Under 21 Military CDL Pilot Program is one of the more recent ways the FMCSA is pursuing new ways to recruit and support military veterans in a truck driving capacity. But what is this pilot program, and how can it help younger truckers with military experience find a place in the transportation industry?

Who is Eligible for this Program?

The Under 21 Military CDL Pilot Program was primarily designed to study “the feasibility, benefits, and safety impacts of allowing 18-20-year-old drivers to operate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in interstate commerce” (3). This military CDL pilot program grants exemption from the regular requirement for all commercial driver’s license holders to be 21 years of age and opens up a new wave of military CDL jobs for young truckers. 

To qualify for this pilot program, however, you’re going to have to meet a set of criteria. According to the FMCSA, the requirements include:

  • Being 18, 19, or 20 years of age when approved for participation in the pilot program
  • Having certification (or relevant training and experience) operating heavy vehicles from your time in the military
  • Agreeing to the release of specific information to the FMCSA, who will use it to assess your eligibility for the program
  • Meeting all the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation (FMCSR) requirements (not including age) for operating a commercial vehicle in interstate commerce
  • Understanding that drivers who participate in this program cannot transport passengers or hazardous materials 

Upon turning 21, any drivers participating in the Under 21 Military CDL Pilot Program will be unenrolled.  They will, however, be eligible to continue driving in an interstate capacity for their current motor carrier (or another company).

How to Participate in the Under 21 Military CDL Pilot Program

If you qualify for an Under 21 Military CDL, then you can get your trucking career started by applying to any participating carrier (like Lily Transportation!). Once hired, your information and driving history will be submitted to the FMCSA.

From there, as long as there are no disqualifying offenses, suspensions, or license revocations on your record, you’ll be approved to participate in the study and can start your trucking career right away!

With this program, the FMCSA is making veteran trucking jobs more accessible than ever. There are plenty of people under the age of 21 with experience in the military who are now looking for a new career, and the Under 21 Military CDL Pilot Program is a way for military drivers to find a job that will help them readjust to the civilian lifestyle.

Lily Transportation is proud to be one of the nine companies in the country participating in the military CDL pilot program and would love to talk with you about our veteran trucking jobs, training programs, or the truck driving lifestyle as a whole!  

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